Epiq MD

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Epiq MD initiates its Ambassador Program to take the reins of healthcare and place them in the hands of the people through community education, entrepreneurship, and technology.

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Epiq MD, Inc., the convergence of primary care, mental health, preventative, and wellness programs through an online healthcare platform, announces the launch of its Brand Ambassador Program today. This groundbreaking initiative will combine community, entrepreneurship, and technology to bring healthcare solutions to the 80 plus million uninsured and underinsured, hardworking U.S. residents who have been left behind by ever-increasing insurance and medical costs.

The Ambassador Program is the next step in Epiq MD’s vision towards “fixing a broken system” – that system being healthcare in America. Epiq MD believes this initiative will result in a new wave of entrepreneurship, education and health & wellness in communities throughout the nation. In Epiq MD’s existing efforts to bring healthcare solutions to these communities, they have perceived a glaring hole, the desire for independent employment. It’s estimated that 79 million people will start home based businesses in the next 5 years. Epiq MD CEO, Alejandro Rodriguez commented, “there has been a clear rising need and inclination for people to become self-employed and we believe those who have a passion for health and wellness will be given their jump start through programs like our Ambassador Program.” Mr. Rodriguez further commented, “regarding ideal customers, our target audience is everywhere, all-encompassing members from 3 or 4 economic classes, workers in the restaurant, hotel, retail and construction industries, residents in both urban and rural areas, every type of household, and spans four major generations – Baby Boomers, Gen-X’ers, Millennials and Generation Z.”

The Company undoubtedly believes that its audience transcends class, color or age, however they are equally adamant about the importance of acknowledging many of the alarming facts within. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), 8% of White Americans, 11% of Black, 20% of Hispanic and an astounding 22% of American Indians and Alaska Natives lack health insurance coverage. While socioeconomic factors contribute to the high rates of uninsured and underinsured Americans, mistrust in the medical system and language barriers also play a key role in accessing quality healthcare, and/or, obtaining a healthy lifestyle. Epiq MD believes that its Ambassador Program will create diverse community leaders, who will be instrumental in teaching their circles about the Epiq MD platform and how healthcare and wellness should and can be accessible. Epiq MD Director, Michael Ladner commented, “The primary objective of the Ambassador is to effectively bring smart healthcare services to their neighbors, communities, consumers and employer groups across the nation. Our Ambassadors are the embodiment of the Live Epiq, Be Epiq mentality.”

The Company is confident its Ambassador Program will give millions of underserved Americans the potential to become community leaders and take the reins of healthcare into their own hands, while also earning a meaningful income stream for their own household. Epiq MD CEO, Alejandro Rodriguez stated, “the best way to reach people is with people. I will always trust my loved ones and neighbors alike over the faceless machine that has turned away millions of Americans. We are providing training, support and the very tools needed for anyone, regardless of background, to take their health, their income potential and their community into their own hands. We are putting a face on healthcare, and the best part is it’s a face you know. It’s a face that delivers your mail, it’s a face that makes your morning coffee, it’s the face of a mother, a father. It’s a face you trust, believe in and love. That’s what the Ambassador Program is all about and that’s what makes it truly special.”

The Ambassador Program is currently offered in four states during what Mr. Rodriguez would categorize as a “soft launch mode”, however the company has extensive plans for aggressive expansion, future deployments, and marketing events that will go through the end of 2022. Mr. Rodriguez stated, “We feel that it is vital we lay a firm foundation of training and support with our early Ambassadors, making sure they are properly equipped to accommodate our future desired growth.”

As part of the Ambassador Program reveal, the Company has created an informative website featuring a reveal video, an FAQ section and other introductory materials. The Company is also making available an abbreviated version of the Ambassador Program’s Brand & Style Book, which Rodriguez states, “will effectively relay both the spirit of and the brass tacks of this organic distribution channel and income opportunity for those that share our passion”. Those interested in pursuing the Ambassador opportunity as an income earning option for their household can also schedule a conference call with a member of our support team by simply emailing us at [email protected].

Get all of the latest news and developments by following Epiq MD on social media outlets: FacebookInstagram or Linked-In.

About EPIQ MD, Inc.
EPIQ MD believes that everyone deserves to live an epic life. It is the convergence of primary medical and mental health care, preventative care and wellness programs – on one digital platform, in a single offering. Conceived as a digital telemedicine-based business from the start, its core mission is to bring these services and knowledge to the 80 million Americans who are uninsured or underinsured. Its telemedicine platform provides services such as: primary care, medical advisory, ask a medical expert, mental health services, discounted diagnostic lab services, prescription discount program, nutritional counseling and much more. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or by phone at 1-844-8 EPIQ MD.


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